Saturday we headed to Tampa for a bit of shopping. We hit Westshore first, then went over to International. My nephew brought along a camera to document the excursion.
We walked into Lush because I always do and also because Cindy had never been in one, much less heard of the store. We found ourselves in the back corner trying to figure out what the heck they were selling hardened blocks of shit for. Well, as it turns out they do not sell hardened blocks of shit. They sell henna and call it "caca." We asked about it and the really sweet sales girl explained the whole bit. We were sold.
(Cindy and I dye our hair red because it feels more natural than what grows out of our heads. I had redder hair when I was little and my natural color is browinsh-red. She's a honey blonde. As red-heads, we stop planets from spinning.)
We bought the Caca Rouge and went to work on it that night. I'll do a post about it because it is too hilarious for this post. Anyhoo, look out for the post when I tell you about 2 girls, 1 bathtub (that was one of our gut-busting jokes). Have a fab Tuesday!